Aurelio Bormioli's profile pic
Lost in a Dark Sky

Aurelio Bormioli

Photographic Areas of Focus

Abstract, Architecture, Film/Analog, Fine Art, Landscapes, Minimalism, Nature, Travel




I became interested in photography thanks to my father. When I was a boy, I was fascinated looking at him, when in the armchair he checked his equipment and cleaned the lens. We often went on trips in Italy or abroad and when coming back, as soon as possible, we projected our slides on the screen. It was a family practice to live beautiful memories. My favourite subject is nature in all its forms. Sea is the most fascinating element for me: I’m attracted by its beauty and size, its silence when it’s flat and its thunderous roar when it’s stormy. Another theme, which is often present in my photographs, is trees, I like walking through forests alone. I always look for the beauty in the environment that surrounds me. I keep trying to instil a “sense of grandeur”, of immensity, in my way of photographing. This is currently my main goal.

Aurelio's Awards

Facing the Deep
2024One Shot Photo Contest

Facing the Deep


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