Toby Binder's profile pic
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Toby Binder

Photographic Areas of Focus

Film/Analog, People, Photojournalism, Portrait, Street




Toby is a Swabian documentary photographer who believes he is Scottish-Argentinean and actually wanted to become a professional football player. That didn’t work out. Today he works as a documentary photographer and often focuses on working-class life by developing long-form projects. Based in Argentina and Germany he works both on assignments and personal series. He is mostly interested in topics of post-war and crisis situations as well as in the daily life of people. His work has been awarded internationally, e.g. with a Gomma Grant, by LensCulture and Life Framer in 2020, the Felix-Schoeller-Award in 2019, Philip-Jones-Griffiths-Award in 2018, the Sony-World-Photo-Awards in 2019 and 2017 and the Nannen-Preis in 2017. The same year he received an Honorable Mention by UNICEF Photo of the Year. His work is published by Stern, Zeit Magazin, The Guardian, Le Monde, Washington Post, Greenpeace Magazin, Amnesty Journal, Neue Zürcher Zeitung and others. In March 2019 his first photo book „Wee Muckers–Youth of Belfast“ was published by Kehrer.

Toby's Awards

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2024One Shot Photo Contest

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