Derry Lubell's profile pic

Derry Lubell

Photographic Areas of Focus

People, Portrait




People fascinate me. I have always been curious about how they live, work, experience life, and relate to the world. For many years I worked as a trauma psychotherapist, using words to help people deal with their emotions, relationships, and past experiences. Then retiring gave me the time to further develop my love of photography. I still wanted to be involved with people, but my focus changed from the verbal to the visual. These days I work with images instead of words. I am drawn to photographing people who use actions to express themselves - who use their bodies to communicate and tell their story. The camera enables me to translate their narrative into accessible and universal language. Taking and sharing photographs connects me in a very tangible way with the people and world around me. I find the process deeply satisfying and endlessly appealing

Derry's Awards

Flamenco Moment
2024One Shot Photo Contest

Flamenco Moment


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Exposure One Magazine

Artist Directory

One Shot Photo Contest

One Shot Photo Contest

Extended Submission

Feb 5th - Mar 6th

The One Shot Photo Contest by Exposure One Awards celebrates remarkable single images in monochrome



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