Deborah Laverell's profile pic
Canargue Horses in the Dust

Deborah Laverell

Photographic Areas of Focus

Fine Art, Landscapes, Nature, Still Life, Travel, Wildlife


United States of America


Debbie Laverell has been an avid and passionate photographer her entire life beginning in high school. With her first SLR camera and a Time-Life photography book series she has been primarily self-taught throughout the years. With the advent of digital photography and image editing software, a new reality of the genre opened allowing her creativity to take on new dimensions. She is a Garden Club of America Photography Judge, was editor of the GCA Focus online photography publication, Chair of the Philadelphia Flower Show Photography classes. Debbie was President, Treasurer, Program Chair and Webmaster of the Main Line Camera Club. She is also head of the Photography Committee at the Merion Cricket Club and The Garden Workers Garden Club. Debbie has won many ribbons and awards in various local, regional and national shows. Most recently, she won the Garden Club of America Certificate of Excellence at the Philadelphia Flower show, Debbie has sold her work, primarily on an individual basis but also as a participant in local arts and crafts festivals She was commissioned to provide all the art for a doctor’s office which is now decorated with over forty of Debbie’s images. In addition to exhibiting and selling photography, Debbie teaches digital photography editing to a mentee group as well as one-on-one mentoring sessions tailored to an individual’s specific learning needs.

Deborah's Awards

Canargue Horses in the Dust
2024One Shot Photo Contest

Canargue Horses in the Dust


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